mongodb database dataset object
2var col1 = mdb.getCollection('test');
var col = mdb.test;
inheritance relationship
Quickly get the collection object of the current collection sub-namespace in the form of attributes
1readonly MongoCollection MongoCollection[String];
return result:
- return new collection object
member function
Create a cursor object according to the given query conditions and return field settings
2MongoCursor MongoCollection.find(Object query = {},
Object projection = {});
Call parameters:
- query: Object, the object specifying the query condition
- projection: Object, specifies the object to return the field
return result:
- MongoCursor, returns the cursor object
According to the given query conditions and return field settings, query a result
2Object MongoCollection.findOne(Object query = {},
Object projection = {});
Call parameters:
- query: Object, the object specifying the query condition
- projection: Object, specifies the object to return the field
return result:
- Object, returns the first result
query and modify
1Object MongoCollection.findAndModify(Object query);
Call parameters:
- query: Object, specify query conditions and modify data
return result:
- Object, return the result and other information before modification
Insert a set of data
1MongoCollection.insert(Array documents);
Call parameters:
- documents: Array, specifies the data array to be inserted
Insert a piece of data
1MongoCollection.insert(Object document);
Call parameters:
- document: Object, specifies the data to be inserted
Save a piece of data, if the data contains the _id field, it is an update, otherwise it is an insert
1MongoCollection.save(Object document);
Call parameters:
- document: Object, specifies the data to save
Update data based on given query conditions
4MongoCollection.update(Object query,
Object document,
Boolean upsert = false,
Boolean multi = false);
Call parameters:
- query: Object, the object specifying the query condition
- document: Object, specifies the data to update
- upsert: Boolean, when the data does not exist, insert a new data, the default is false, do not insert
- multi: Boolean, when more than one piece of data meets the condition, update all data, the default is false, only update the first one
Update data based on given query conditions
3MongoCollection.update(Object query,
Object document,
Object options);
Call parameters:
- query: Object, the object specifying the query condition
- document: Object, specifies the data to update
- options: Object, upsert and multi options passed as object fields
Delete data based on given query conditions
1MongoCollection.remove(Object query);
Call parameters:
- query: Object, the object specifying the query condition
Execute database commands
1Object MongoCollection.runCommand(Object cmd);
Call parameters:
- cmd: Object, the given command object
return result:
- Object, returns the command to return the result
Execute database commands
2Object MongoCollection.runCommand(String cmd,
Object arg = {});
Call parameters:
- cmd: String, the given command name
- arg: Object, given command parameter options
return result:
- Object, returns the command to return the result
delete current collection
Create an index on the current collection
2MongoCollection.ensureIndex(Object keys,
Object options = {});
Call parameters:
- keys: Object, given index field, order and direction
- options: Object, options for a given index, unique index, etc.
Rebuild the index of the current collection
1Object MongoCollection.reIndex();
return result:
- Object, returns the command execution result
Delete the index of the specified name in the current collection
1Object MongoCollection.dropIndex(String name);
Call parameters:
- name: String, given the name of the index to delete
return result:
- Object, returns the command execution result
Delete all indexes of the current collection
1Object MongoCollection.dropIndexes();
return result:
- Object, returns the command execution result
Query all indexes of the current collection
1Array MongoCollection.getIndexes();
return result:
- Array, returns a result set containing the index
Get the collection object of the current collection subnamespace
1MongoCollection MongoCollection.getCollection(String name);
Call parameters:
- name: String, subnamespace name
return result:
- MongoCollection, returns a new collection object
Return the string representation of the object, generally return "[Native Object]", the object can be reimplemented according to its own characteristics
1String MongoCollection.toString();
return result:
- String, returns a string representation of the object
Returns the JSON format representation of the object, generally returns a collection of readable properties defined by the object
1Value MongoCollection.toJSON(String key = "");
Call parameters:
- key: String, not used
return result:
- Value, which returns a JSON-serializable value