Module basic module

module http

The http module encapsulates the processing of HTTP requests and responses, allowing us to easily create an http server or simulate a client to initiate an http request. Using the http module, developers can easily write and process code related to the HTTP protocol.

The following is a simple example to create a Web server and return a hello world response:

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const http = require('http'); const server = new http.Server(8080, function(request) { request.response.write('Hello World!'); }); server.start();

In this example, we introduce the http module, then define an http server object and bind it to the local 8080 port number. When a request is sent to this port number, the response will be set to the string "Hello World!".

At the same time, the http module also contains client objects,http.ClientSimulate the browser environment to cache cookies and store them during the visiturlWhen carrying the corresponding cookie http client object. you can use ithttp.ClientAccess http interface requests, perform http downloads, and a series of http-related operations. Below ishttp.ClientApplication examples:

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var http = require('http'); var httpClient = new http.Client(); httpClient.get('');

In the above example, ahttp.Clientobject, and then calls getthe method to initiate an http GET request to

in addition,http.ClientThere are some other properties and methods that can be called, such as cookiesetc.

The https module is an alias of the http module. You require('https')can also use the http module.



Create an http request object, seeHttpRequest

HttpRequest http.Request;


Create an http response object, seeHttpResponse

HttpResponse http.Response;

Create an http cookie object, seeHttpCookie

HttpCookie http.Cookie;


Create an http server, seeHttpServer

HttpServer http.Server;


Create an http client, seeHttpClient

HttpClient http.Client;


Create an https server, seeHttpsServer

HttpsServer http.HttpsServer;


Create an http protocol handler object, seeHttpHandler

HttpHandler http.Handler;


Create an http request forwarding handler object, seeHttpRepeater

HttpRepeater http.Repeater;

static function


Create an http static file processor to respond to http messages with static files

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static Handler http.fileHandler(String root, Object mimes = {}, Boolean autoIndex = false);

Call parameters:

  • root: String, file root path
  • mimes: Object, extended mime settings
  • autoIndex: Boolean, whether to support browsing directory files, the default is false, not supported

Return results:

  • Handler, returns a static file processor for processing http messages

fileHandler supports gzip pre-compression. When the request accepts gzip encoding and the filename.ext.gz file exists in the same path, this file will be returned directly, thereby avoiding server load caused by repeated compression.


Set default client certificate

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static http.setClientCert(X509Cert crt, PKey key);

Call parameters:

  • crt:X509Cert, certificate, used to send to the server to verify the client
  • key:PKey, private key, used to talk to the client


Send an http request to the specified stream object and return the result

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static HttpResponse http.request(Stream conn, HttpRequest req) async;

Call parameters:

Return results:

Send an http request to the specified stream object and return the result

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static HttpResponse http.request(Stream conn, HttpRequest req, SeekableStream response_body) async;

Call parameters:

Return results:

request specifiedurl, and return the result

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static HttpResponse http.request(String method, String url, Object opts = {}) async;

Call parameters:

  • method: String, specify http request method: GET, POST, etc.
  • url: String, specifyurl, must be the complete containing hosturl
  • opts: Object, specify additional information

Return results:

opts contains additional options for the request, supported as follows:

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{ "method": "GET", // specify the http request method: GET, POST, etc, default: GET. "protocol": "http", "slashes": true, "username": "", "password": "", "hostname": "", "port": "", "pathname": "", "query": {}, "body": SeekableStream | Buffer | String | {}, "json": {}, "pack": {}, "headers": {}, "response_body": SeekableStream // specify response.body stream }

Among them body,json, pack must not appear at the same time. The default is {}, which does not contain any additional information

Use the GET method to request the specifiedurl, and returns the result, which is equivalent to request("GET", ...)

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static HttpResponse http.request(String url, Object opts = {}) async;

Call parameters:

  • url: String, specifyurl, must be the complete containing hosturl
  • opts: Object, specify additional information

Return results:

opts contains additional options for the request, supported as follows:

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{ "method": "GET", // specify the http request method: GET, POST, etc, default: GET. "protocol": "http", "slashes": true, "username": "", "password": "", "hostname": "", "port": "", "pathname": "", "query": {}, "body": SeekableStream | Buffer | String | {}, "json": {}, "pack": {}, "headers": {} }

Among them body,json, pack must not appear at the same time. The default is {}, which does not contain any additional information

Request options specifiedurl, and return the result

static HttpResponse http.request(Object opts) async;

Call parameters:

  • opts: Object, specify additional information

Return results:

opts contains additional options for the request, supported as follows:

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
{ "method": "GET", // specify the http request method: GET, POST, etc, default: GET. "protocol": "http", "slashes": true, "username": "", "password": "", "hostname": "", "port": "", "pathname": "", "query": {}, "body": SeekableStream | Buffer | String | {}, "json": {}, "pack": {}, "headers": {} }

Among them body,json, pack must not appear at the same time. The default is {}, which does not contain any additional information


Use the GET method to request the specifiedurl, and returns the result, which is equivalent to request("GET", ...)

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static HttpResponse http.get(String url, Object opts = {}) async;

Call parameters:

  • url: String, specifyurl, must be the complete containing hosturl
  • opts: Object, specify additional information

Return results:

opts contains additional options for the request, supported as follows:

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
{ "method": "GET", // specify the http request method: GET, POST, etc, default: GET. "protocol": "http", "slashes": true, "username": "", "password": "", "hostname": "", "port": "", "pathname": "", "query": {}, "body": SeekableStream | Buffer | String | {}, "json": {}, "pack": {}, "headers": {} }

Among them body,json, pack must not appear at the same time. The default is {}, which does not contain any additional information


Use the POST method to request the specifiedurl, and returns the result, which is equivalent to request("POST", ...)

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static HttpResponse url, Object opts = {}) async;

Call parameters:

  • url: String, specifyurl, must be the complete containing hosturl
  • opts: Object, specify additional information

Return results:

opts contains additional options for the request, supported as follows:

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{ "method": "GET", // specify the http request method: GET, POST, etc, default: GET. "protocol": "http", "slashes": true, "username": "", "password": "", "hostname": "", "port": "", "pathname": "", "query": {}, "body": SeekableStream | Buffer | String | {}, "json": {}, "pack": {}, "headers": {} }

Among them body,json, pack must not appear at the same time. The default is {}, which does not contain any additional information


Use the DELETE method to request the specifiedurl, and returns the result, which is equivalent to request("DELETE", ...)

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static HttpResponse http.del(String url, Object opts = {}) async;

Call parameters:

  • url: String, specifyurl, must be the complete containing hosturl
  • opts: Object, specify additional information

Return results:

opts contains additional options for the request, supported as follows:

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{ "method": "GET", // specify the http request method: GET, POST, etc, default: GET. "protocol": "http", "slashes": true, "username": "", "password": "", "hostname": "", "port": "", "pathname": "", "query": {}, "body": SeekableStream | Buffer | String | {}, "json": {}, "pack": {}, "headers": {} }

Among them body,json, pack must not appear at the same time. The default is {}, which does not contain any additional information


Use the PUT method to request the specifiedurl, and returns the result, which is equivalent to request("PUT", ...)

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static HttpResponse http.put(String url, Object opts = {}) async;

Call parameters:

  • url: String, specifyurl, must be the complete containing hosturl
  • opts: Object, specify additional information

Return results:

opts contains additional options for the request, supported as follows:

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{ "method": "GET", // specify the http request method: GET, POST, etc, default: GET. "protocol": "http", "slashes": true, "username": "", "password": "", "hostname": "", "port": "", "pathname": "", "query": {}, "body": SeekableStream | Buffer | String | {}, "json": {}, "pack": {}, "headers": {} }

Among them body,json, pack must not appear at the same time. The default is {}, which does not contain any additional information


Use the PATCH method to request the specifiedurl, and returns the result, which is equivalent to request("PATCH", ...)

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static HttpResponse http.patch(String url, Object opts = {}) async;

Call parameters:

  • url: String, specifyurl, must be the complete containing hosturl
  • opts: Object, specify additional information

Return results:

opts contains additional options for the request, supported as follows:

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{ "method": "GET", // specify the http request method: GET, POST, etc, default: GET. "protocol": "http", "slashes": true, "username": "", "password": "", "hostname": "", "port": "", "pathname": "", "query": {}, "body": SeekableStream | Buffer | String | {}, "json": {}, "pack": {}, "headers": {} }

Among them body,json, pack must not appear at the same time. The default is {}, which does not contain any additional information

Use the HEAD method to request the specifiedurl, and returns the result, which is equivalent to request("HEAD", ...)

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static HttpResponse http.head(String url, Object opts = {}) async;

Call parameters:

  • url: String, specifyurl, must be the complete containing hosturl
  • opts: Object, specify additional information

Return results:

opts contains additional options for the request, supported as follows:

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{ "method": "GET", // specify the http request method: GET, POST, etc, default: GET. "protocol": "http", "slashes": true, "username": "", "password": "", "hostname": "", "port": "", "pathname": "", "query": {}, "body": SeekableStream | Buffer | String | {}, "json": {}, "pack": {}, "headers": {} }

Among them body,json, pack must not appear at the same time. The default is {}, which does not contain any additional information

static properties


Object, returns a collection of standard HTTP response status codes, and their respective short descriptions.

static readonly Object http.STATUS_CODES;


NArray, returns the http clientHttpCookieobject list

static readonly NArray http.cookies;


Integer, query and set timeout

static Integer http.timeout;


Boolean, cookie function switch, enabled by default

static Boolean http.enableCookie;


Boolean, automatic redirect function switch, enabled by default

static Boolean http.autoRedirect;


Boolean, automatic decompression function switch, enabled by default

static Boolean http.enableEncoding;


Integer, query and set the maximum number of request headers, the default is 128

static Integer http.maxHeadersCount;


Integer, query and set the maximum request header length, the default is 8192

static Integer http.maxHeaderSize;


Integer, query and set the maximum size of the body, in MB, the default is -1, no size limit

static Integer http.maxBodySize;


String, query and set the browser identifier in http request

static String http.userAgent;


Integer, query and set the maximum number of keep-alive cache connections, default 128

static Integer http.poolSize;


Integer, query and set the keep-alive cache connection timeout, default 10000 ms

static Integer http.poolTimeout;


String, query and set http request proxy, support http/https/socks5 proxy

static String http.http_proxy;


String, query and set https request proxy, support http/https/socks5 proxy, if not set, or set to empty, http_proxy will be reused

static String http.https_proxy;