X509Cert YescryptoThe object representing the x509 certificate in the module. This object mainly includes certificate information and methods constructed from a DER or PEM format certificate data and certificate chain data. It can perform operations such as certificate parsing and verification.
Through the X509Cert object, you can obtain the certificate's subject name, issuer name, passing time, expiration time, ca verification and other information. You can also export the DER encoding of the certificate, obtain the certificate's public key, signature algorithm and other information.
If you want to load a certificate, you can use the following code to create an X509Cert object from certificate data in DER/PEM format:
4const crypto = require('crypto');
const certData = require('fs').readFile('server.crt');
const cert = new crypto.X509Cert(certData);
Of course, the X509Cert object also provides a method to directly import the certificate:
1const cert = crypto.X509Cert.import(certData);
Then you can perform various certificate operations through cert, such as obtaining the validity period of the certificate:
2var strDate = cert.notBefore.toLocaleTimeString() + " " + cert.notBefore.toLocaleDateString() + " ~ " + cert.notAfter.toLocaleTimeString() + " " + cert.notAfter.toLocaleDateString();
console.log(`证书有效时间: ${strDate}`)
inheritance relationship
X509Cert constructor
1new X509Cert();
X509Cert constructor, loads a DER format certificate
1new X509Cert(Buffer derCert);
Call parameters:
- derCert:Buffer, certificate in DER format
X509Cert constructor, loads a certificate in CRT/PEM format
1new X509Cert(String txtCert);
Call parameters:
- txtCert: String, certificate in CRT/PEM format
member properties
Integer, get the version of the certificate
1readonly Integer X509Cert.version;
String, get the serial number of the certificate
1readonly String X509Cert.serial;
String, Gets the distinguished name of the certificate issuer
1readonly String X509Cert.issuer;
String, obtains the subject distinguished name of the certificate
1readonly String X509Cert.subject;
Date, obtain the validity time of the certificate
1readonly Date X509Cert.notBefore;
Date, get the expiration time of the certificate
1readonly Date X509Cert.notAfter;
Boolean, obtains whether the certificate is a ca certificate
1readonly Boolean X509Cert.ca;
Integer, get the pathlen of the certificate
1readonly Integer X509Cert.pathlen;
String, obtains the scope of use of the certificate
1readonly String X509Cert.usage;
The result is all or part of the following: digitalSignature, nonRepudiation, keyEncipherment, dataEncipherment, keyAgreement, keyCertSign, cRLSign
String, Netscape certificate type to get the certificate
1readonly String X509Cert.type;
The result is all or part of the following: client, server, email, objsign, reserved, sslCA, emailCA, objCA
Integer, the digest algorithm for obtaining the certificate
1readonly Integer X509Cert.sig_md;
Integer, obtains the signature algorithm of the certificate
1readonly Integer X509Cert.sig_pk;
PKey, get the public key of the certificate
1readonly PKey X509Cert.publicKey;
X509Cert, get the next certificate in the certificate chain
1readonly X509Cert X509Cert.next;
member function
Load a certificate in DER format, which can be called multiple times
1X509Cert.import(Buffer derCert);
Call parameters:
- derCert:Buffer, certificate in DER format
Load a certificate in CRT/PEM format, which can be called multiple times
1X509Cert.import(String txtCert);
Call parameters:
- txtCert: String, certificate in CRT/PEM format
Load the default root certificate that comes with it
The content of this certificate comes from: http://hg.mozilla.org/releases/mozilla-release/raw-file/default/security/nss/lib/ckfw/builtins/certdata.txt
Verify the given certificate using the current certificate chain
1Boolean X509Cert.verify(X509Cert cert) async;
Call parameters:
- cert: X509Cert, given the certificate that needs to be verified
Return results:
- Boolean, returns True if the verification is successful
Export the loaded certificate in PEM format
1String X509Cert.pem(Boolean all = true);
Call parameters:
- all: Boolean, specifies whether to output all certificates, the default is true
Return results:
- String, export the certificate chain as an array
Export the loaded certificate in DER format
1Buffer X509Cert.der();
Return results:
- Buffer, export the certificate chain as an array
Clear the loaded certificates
Returns the string representation of the object. Generally, "[Native Object]" is returned. The object can be re-implemented according to its own characteristics.
1String X509Cert.toString();
Return results:
- String, returns the string representation of the object
Returns a JSON format representation of the object, generally returning a collection of readable properties defined by the object.
1Value X509Cert.toJSON(String key = "");
Call parameters:
- key: String, not used
Return results:
- Value, returns a value containing JSON serializable