Object built-in object


browser window object

WebView is a window component embedded in the browser. Currently it only supports windows and macOS (10.10+). It uses IE/Edge kernel in windows and WKWebView in macOS.

Since the JavaScript program in WebView and fibjs are not in the same engine, if you need to communicate with the host program, you need to do so through messages.

The object used for communication by WebView is external. External supports one method postMessage and two events onmessage and onclose.

A simple communication example code is as follows:

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// index.js var gui = require('gui'); var webview = gui.open('fs://index.html'); webview.onmessage = msg => console.log(msg); webview.onload = evt => webview.postMessage("hello from fibjs"); webview.wait();

The content of index.html is as follows:

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<script> external.onclose = function() { } external.onmessage = function(msg){ external.postMessage("send back: " + msg); }; </script>

Before the user window is closed, the external.onclose event will be triggered, and external.onclose can decide whether to close it. If external.onclose returns false, the operation is canceled, otherwise the window will be closed.

The following example will wait 5 seconds after the user clicks Close before closing the window.

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<script lang="JavaScript"> var bClose = false; external.onclose = function () { if (!bClose) { setTimeout(function () { bClose = true; window.close(); }, 5000); return false; } } </script>

In the above code, because window.close itself will also trigger the onclose event, a switch variable needs to be added to identify whether this event needs to be processed.

inheritance relationship

static properties


Integer, the default global maximum number of listeners

static Integer WebView.defaultMaxListeners;

member properties


Function, query and binding loading success event, equivalent to on("open", func);

Function WebView.onopen;


Function, query and bind loading success events, equivalent to on("load", func);

Function WebView.onload;


Function, query and bind page address change events, equivalent to on("address", func);

Function WebView.onaddress;


Function, query and bind page title change events, equivalent to on("title", func);

Function WebView.ontitle;


Function, query and bind window movement events, equivalent to on("move", func);

Function WebView.onmove;

The following example outputs the coordinates of the upper-left corner of the window as it moves:

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var gui = require('gui'); var webview = gui.open('fs://index.html'); webview.onmove = evt => console.log(evt.left, evt.top);


Function, queries and binds window size change events, equivalent to on("size", func);

Function WebView.onresize;

The following example outputs the dimensions of a window when it is resized:

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var gui = require('gui'); var webview = gui.open('fs://index.html'); webview.onresize = evt => console.log(evt.width, evt.height);


Function, query and bind the window closing event. This time will be triggered after the WebView is closed, which is equivalent to on("closed", func);

Function WebView.onclosed;


Function, query and binding accept postMessage message events in webview, equivalent to on("message", func);

Function WebView.onmessage;


Function, query and binding accept download transaction status change events in webview, equivalent to on("download", func);

Function WebView.ondownload;

member function


load specifiedurlthe page

WebView.loadUrl(String url) async;

Call parameters:

  • url: String, specifiedurl


Query the current pageurl

String WebView.getUrl() async;

Return results:

  • String, returns the current pageurl


Set the page html of webview

WebView.setHtml(String html) async;

Call parameters:

  • html: String, set html


Refresh current page

WebView.reload() async;


Return to previous page

WebView.goBack() async;


Go to next page

WebView.goForward() async;


Print the current window document

WebView.print(Integer mode = 1) async;

Call parameters:

  • mode: Integer, printing parameters, 0: fast printing; 1: standard printing; 2: print preview. Default is 1


Run a piece of JavaScript code in the current window

WebView.executeJavaScript(String code) async;

Call parameters:

  • code: String, specifies the JavaScript code to be executed


Close current window

WebView.close() async;


Send message to webview

WebView.postMessage(String msg) async;

Call parameters:

  • msg: String, the message to be sent

    postMessage needs to send the message after the window is loaded, and the messages sent before will be lost. Therefore, it is recommended to call this method after the onload event is triggered.


Bind an event handler to the object

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Object WebView.on(String ev, Function func);

Call parameters:

  • ev: String, specifies the name of the event
  • func: Function, specify the event processing function

Return results:

  • Object, returns the event object itself to facilitate chain calls

Bind an event handler to the object

Object WebView.on(Object map);

Call parameters:

  • map: Object, specifies the event mapping relationship, the object attribute name will be used as the event name, and the value of the attribute will be used as the event processing function

Return results:

  • Object, returns the event object itself to facilitate chain calls


Bind an event handler to the object

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Object WebView.addListener(String ev, Function func);

Call parameters:

  • ev: String, specifies the name of the event
  • func: Function, specify the event processing function

Return results:

  • Object, returns the event object itself to facilitate chain calls

Bind an event handler to the object

Object WebView.addListener(Object map);

Call parameters:

  • map: Object, specifies the event mapping relationship, the object attribute name will be used as the event name, and the value of the attribute will be used as the event processing function

Return results:

  • Object, returns the event object itself to facilitate chain calls


Bind an event handler to the object's origin

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Object WebView.prependListener(String ev, Function func);

Call parameters:

  • ev: String, specifies the name of the event
  • func: Function, specify the event processing function

Return results:

  • Object, returns the event object itself to facilitate chain calls

Bind an event handler to the object's origin

Object WebView.prependListener(Object map);

Call parameters:

  • map: Object, specifies the event mapping relationship, the object attribute name will be used as the event name, and the value of the attribute will be used as the event processing function

Return results:

  • Object, returns the event object itself to facilitate chain calls


Bind a one-time event handler to the object. The one-time handler will only be triggered once.

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Object WebView.once(String ev, Function func);

Call parameters:

  • ev: String, specifies the name of the event
  • func: Function, specify the event processing function

Return results:

  • Object, returns the event object itself to facilitate chain calls

Bind a one-time event handler to the object. The one-time handler will only be triggered once.

Object WebView.once(Object map);

Call parameters:

  • map: Object, specifies the event mapping relationship, the object attribute name will be used as the event name, and the value of the attribute will be used as the event processing function

Return results:

  • Object, returns the event object itself to facilitate chain calls


Bind an event handler to the object's origin

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Object WebView.prependOnceListener(String ev, Function func);

Call parameters:

  • ev: String, specifies the name of the event
  • func: Function, specify the event processing function

Return results:

  • Object, returns the event object itself to facilitate chain calls

Bind an event handler to the object's origin

Object WebView.prependOnceListener(Object map);

Call parameters:

  • map: Object, specifies the event mapping relationship, the object attribute name will be used as the event name, and the value of the attribute will be used as the event processing function

Return results:

  • Object, returns the event object itself to facilitate chain calls


Unassign a function from the object processing queue

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Object WebView.off(String ev, Function func);

Call parameters:

  • ev: String, specifies the name of the event
  • func: Function, specify the event processing function

Return results:

  • Object, returns the event object itself to facilitate chain calls

Cancel all functions in the object processing queue

Object WebView.off(String ev);

Call parameters:

  • ev: String, specifies the name of the event

Return results:

  • Object, returns the event object itself to facilitate chain calls

Unassign a function from the object processing queue

Object WebView.off(Object map);

Call parameters:

  • map: Object, specifies the event mapping relationship, the object attribute name is used as the event name, and the value of the attribute is used as the event processing function

Return results:

  • Object, returns the event object itself to facilitate chain calls


Unassign a function from the object processing queue

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Object WebView.removeListener(String ev, Function func);

Call parameters:

  • ev: String, specifies the name of the event
  • func: Function, specify the event processing function

Return results:

  • Object, returns the event object itself to facilitate chain calls

Cancel all functions in the object processing queue

Object WebView.removeListener(String ev);

Call parameters:

  • ev: String, specifies the name of the event

Return results:

  • Object, returns the event object itself to facilitate chain calls

Unassign a function from the object processing queue

Object WebView.removeListener(Object map);

Call parameters:

  • map: Object, specifies the event mapping relationship, the object attribute name is used as the event name, and the value of the attribute is used as the event processing function

Return results:

  • Object, returns the event object itself to facilitate chain calls


Cancels all listeners for all events from the object's processing queue. If an event is specified, removes all listeners for the specified event.

Object WebView.removeAllListeners(String ev);

Call parameters:

  • ev: String, specifies the name of the event

Return results:

  • Object, returns the event object itself to facilitate chain calls

Cancels all listeners for all events from the object's processing queue. If an event is specified, removes all listeners for the specified event.

Object WebView.removeAllListeners(Array evs = []);

Call parameters:

  • evs: Array, specify the name of the event

Return results:

  • Object, returns the event object itself to facilitate chain calls


The default limit on the number of listeners, for compatibility only

WebView.setMaxListeners(Integer n);

Call parameters:

  • n: Integer, specify the number of events


Gets the default limit number of listeners, for compatibility only

Integer WebView.getMaxListeners();

Return results:

  • Integer, returns the default limit quantity


Query the listener array for the specified event of the object

Array WebView.listeners(String ev);

Call parameters:

  • ev: String, specifies the name of the event

Return results:

  • Array, returns the listener array for the specified event


Query the number of listeners for the specified event of the object

Integer WebView.listenerCount(String ev);

Call parameters:

  • ev: String, specifies the name of the event

Return results:

  • Integer, returns the number of listeners for the specified event

Query the number of listeners for the specified event of the object

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Integer WebView.listenerCount(Value o, String ev);

Call parameters:

  • o: Value, specifies the object of the query
  • ev: String, specifies the name of the event

Return results:

  • Integer, returns the number of listeners for the specified event


Query listener event name

Array WebView.eventNames();

Return results:

  • Array, returns an array of event names


Actively trigger an event

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Boolean WebView.emit(String ev, ...args);

Call parameters:

  • ev: String, event name
  • args: ..., event parameters will be passed to the event processing function

Return results:

  • Boolean, returns the event trigger status, returns true if there is a response event, otherwise returns false


Returns the string representation of the object. Generally, "[Native Object]" is returned. The object can be re-implemented according to its own characteristics.

String WebView.toString();

Return results:

  • String, returns the string representation of the object


Returns a JSON format representation of the object, generally returning a collection of readable properties defined by the object.

Value WebView.toJSON(String key = "");

Call parameters:

  • key: String, not used

Return results:

  • Value, returns a value containing JSON serializable