Object built-in object


Elliptic curve encryption algorithm object

The following example demonstrates the use of Ed25519Key:

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const crypto = require('crypto'); // generate a ed25519 key const key = crypto.generateKey('ed25519'); // output key in PEM format console.log('PrivateKey:', key.pem()); console.log('PublicKey:', key.publicKey.pem()); // sign a message const message = 'Hello, World!'; const sig = key.sign(message); console.log('Sig:', sig.hex()); // verify the signature const verifyResult = key.verify(message, sig); console.log('Verify Result:', verifyResult);

inheritance relationship

static function


Recover public key from recoverable signature, only supports secp256k1

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static ECKey Ed25519Key.recover(Buffer data, Buffer sig) async;

Call parameters:

  • data:Buffer, the original data of the signature
  • sig:Buffer, recoverable signature

Return results:

  • ECKey, returns an object containing the public key


Load a key in DER format

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static PKey Ed25519Key.from(Buffer DerKey, String password = "");

Call parameters:

  • DerKey:Buffer, key in DER format
  • password: String, decryption password

Return results:

  • PKey, returns an object containing the key

Load a key in PEM format

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static PKey Ed25519Key.from(String pemKey, String password = "");

Call parameters:

  • pemKey: String, key in PEM format
  • password: String, decryption password

Return results:

  • PKey, returns an object containing the key

Load a key in JSON format

static PKey Ed25519Key.from(Object jsonKey);

Call parameters:

  • jsonKey: Object, key in JSON format

Return results:

  • PKey, returns an object containing the key

The format of jsonKey supports the following four types of RSA private keys:

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{ "kty": "RSA", "n": "0m5lvKpWqy9JS7tV2HIPqHCYHLquSuxIC3F8strIQLJKO3rZmTT96KTnhsOfBO7Y1bI7mnT0PB3_vcHd9ekWMEoZJQw7MuB8KeM_Wn54-elJr5DNLk5bMppSGxX7ZnumiXGG51_X3Yp-_EbGtDG80GxXXix7Mucyo7K25uE0uW8=", "e": "AQAB", "d": "agN2O9NxMHL1MTMi75WfL9Pxvl-KWXKqZSF6mjzAsF9iKI8euyHIXYFepzU8kual1RsjDhCnzvWqFvZplW8lXqrHf_P-rS_9Y4gBUw6pjnI_DnFIRwWHRvrUHHSCfWOdTCIKdOTkgLZuGFuhEY3RMIW0WSYejjLtftwy0RVxAzk=", "p": "6a4G1qmfwWmn1biigN7IVFlkbLf9oVe6g7rOmHxI-hn1GRxKDSVuAUrmR1IhuAnca9M0y7SD-7TUs6wjOxWxaw==", "q": "5ofkxFKdPBD0CQHMb9q13AMHUVe0rJ-hSjqqIBrmqApUOneyAcMV76M0QyIQnI2p3POa4Qu_7XChDwRVl7LlDQ==", "dp": "2mXGiGwCHl8j-FBWuID-1C6z-BRB3MBEVoeKPOOzxOPruatB3mWEGXsqG7A8SWgV9URxTI2K6P3J6Z7RUpBkvw==", "dq": "oagn5vfb5NQqnOpS9xkSsD67cfIj821ZSFlNFYhnuOzNVda7z_qCtnHm4zDPH0lEFXoKYMfBhfqWJpaugttjPQ==", "qi": "dqEQgxNmOVFrF4s776hTqeC6oEDila8EvpVb2F2ZvwAOLjCQ66OiAZK1BiYGHqUy0NeqNmtlsLSuBEZQZvqZwg==" }

RSA public key:

1 2 3 4 5
{ "kty": "RSA", "n": "0m5lvKpWqy9JS7tV2HIPqHCYHLquSuxIC3F8strIQLJKO3rZmTT96KTnhsOfBO7Y1bI7mnT0PB3_vcHd9ekWMEoZJQw7MuB8KeM_Wn54-elJr5DNLk5bMppSGxX7ZnumiXGG51_X3Yp-_EbGtDG80GxXXix7Mucyo7K25uE0uW8=", "e": "AQAB" }

EC private key:

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{ "kty": "EC", "crv": "P-521", "x": "ATfNNFuuvlGxrTGoXgyfSAGgRNNDnO3rN3k74urKJdVS14RYhdnSwm91Bm-F1l-T1XKlAY2yRnzG9w1Ukvo8c0wL", "y": "ASBHqrruB6kdkEUB3vlW3-UIkk4HtKdUeTwN-7m3j2rgZvYR1ffRAapDvWqKGiBjomqWafxokBkbDI0c95f6f4XU", "d": "AfkIbUHXfW41njdpoKuqqKludcoLJS8D_oMEwkj-GVaXFNKccIoF5iKGu2c69kNDjo83R_7wyGlfRczsklkik1ST" }

EC public key:

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{ "kty": "EC", "crv": "P-521", "x": "ATfNNFuuvlGxrTGoXgyfSAGgRNNDnO3rN3k74urKJdVS14RYhdnSwm91Bm-F1l-T1XKlAY2yRnzG9w1Ukvo8c0wL", "y": "ASBHqrruB6kdkEUB3vlW3-UIkk4HtKdUeTwN-7m3j2rgZvYR1ffRAapDvWqKGiBjomqWafxokBkbDI0c95f6f4XU" }

member properties


String, returns the elliptic curve name of the current algorithm

readonly String Ed25519Key.curve;


String, returns the current algorithm name

readonly String Ed25519Key.name;


Integer, returns the current algorithm password length in bits

readonly Integer Ed25519Key.keySize;


String, returns and sets the current object signature algorithm

readonly String Ed25519Key.alg;


PKey, returns the public key of the current key

readonly PKey Ed25519Key.publicKey;

Return results:

  • the public key of the current key

member function


Convert X25519 public-private key pair from current object, only supports Ed25519

ECKey Ed25519Key.toX25519() async;

Return results:

  • ECKey, returns the corresponding X25519 public key object


Calculate the Elliptic Curve Diffie-Hellman (ECDH) shared key using the current algorithm

Buffer Ed25519Key.computeSecret(ECKey publicKey) async;

Call parameters:

  • publicKey:ECKey, specify the other party’s public key

Return results:

  • Buffer, returns the calculated shared secret key


Query whether the current key is a private key

Boolean Ed25519Key.isPrivate();

Return results:

  • Boolean, is True and represents the private key


copy current key

PKey Ed25519Key.clone();

Return results:

  • PKey, the copy object of the current key


Returns the PEM format encoding of the current key

String Ed25519Key.pem();

Return results:

  • String, PEM format encoding of the current key


Returns the DER format encoding of the current key

Buffer Ed25519Key.der();

Return results:

  • Buffer, the DER format encoding of the current key


Returns the jwt format encoding of the current key

Object Ed25519Key.json(Object opts = {});

Call parameters:

  • opts: Object, specify export options

Return results:

  • Object, the jwt format encoding of the current key

opts supports the following parameters:

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{ compress: false // specify whether to output public key in compressed form }

Curves that support compression are: secp192r1, secp192k1, secp256r1, secp256k1, brainpoolP256r1, secp384r1, brainpoolP384r1, brainpoolP512r1, secp521r1, sm2


Compare two public/private keys to see if they are the same

Boolean Ed25519Key.equals(object key);

Call parameters:

  • key:object, specify the other party’s public/private key

Return results:

  • Boolean, if they are the same, return true


Encrypt data using current algorithm cipher public key

Buffer Ed25519Key.encrypt(Buffer data) async;

Call parameters:

  • data:Buffer, specify the data to be encrypted

Return results:

  • Buffer, returns the encrypted data


Decrypt data using current algorithm password private key

Buffer Ed25519Key.decrypt(Buffer data) async;

Call parameters:

  • data:Buffer, specify the data to be decrypted

Return results:

  • Buffer, returns the decrypted data


Sign data using the current algorithm cryptographic private key

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Buffer Ed25519Key.sign(Buffer data, Object opts = {}) async;

Call parameters:

  • data:Buffer, specify the data to be signed. When the algorithm is RSA, the input parameter needs to be executed with the algorithm specified by alg.hash
  • opts: Object, specify signature options

Return results:

  • Buffer, return the signed data

opts supports the following parameters:

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{ alg: 0, // specify the hash algorithm for signing, only valid for RSA, default is 0. Supported algorithms: 0=NONE,1=MD5,2=SHA1,3=SHA224,4=SHA256,5=SHA384,6=SHA512,7=RIPEMD160 format: "der", // specify the signature format, default is der, supported formats: der, raw recoverable: false // specify whether to return a recoverable signature, only valid for secp256k1 }


Verify data using current algorithm cryptographic public key

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Boolean Ed25519Key.verify(Buffer data, Buffer sign, Object opts = {}) async;

Call parameters:

  • data:Buffer, specify the data to be verified
  • sign:Buffer, specify the signature to be verified
  • opts: Object, specify verification options

Return results:

  • Boolean, returns the verified result

opts supports the following parameters:

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{ alg: 0, // specify the hash algorithm for signing, only valid for RSA, default is 0. Supported algorithms: 0=NONE,1=MD5,2=SHA1,3=SHA224,4=SHA256,5=SHA384,6=SHA512,7=RIPEMD160 format: "der" // specify the signature format, default is der, supported formats: der, raw }


Returns the string representation of the object. Generally, "[Native Object]" is returned. The object can be re-implemented according to its own characteristics.

String Ed25519Key.toString();

Return results:

  • String, returns the string representation of the object


Returns a JSON format representation of the object, generally returning a collection of readable properties defined by the object.

Value Ed25519Key.toJSON(String key = "");

Call parameters:

  • key: String, not used

Return results:

  • Value, returns a value containing JSON serializable