feature :
option recursive
on Linux.(richardo2016)bugfix :
refactor :
others :
chore :
] - child_process, feat: fallback to 'pipe' for incomplete 'options.stdio' array on spawn/fork child_process(richardo2016)d88d9661c3
] - child_process, bugfix: crash when bad stdio array.(xicilion)123b40f220
] - db, feat: add document.(xicilion)af64d0aaec
] - db, refactor: refactor db_format.(xicilion)6f80cac57a
] - http, feat: auto return json/msgpack data in HttpMessage.data (#695)(lhkzh)e7327b31e4
] - encoding, refactor: deprecate base64vlq.(xicilion)ce181e6fff
] - Buffer, bugfix: binary encoding error.(xicilion)fb65ed023c
] - test, feat: update files for jsc test.(richardo2016)58a60cb3da
] - child_process, feat: support pty on posix.(xicilion)7566d7f266
] - msgpack, feat: support number_safe_int. (#694)(lhkzh)aaba4b1ce3
] - vender, feat: upgrade to use v8 7.2(richardo2016)52eb452ccb
] - db, refactor: refactor odbc_connect, simplify the implementation of driver.(xicilion)75bb1981c9
] - db, feat: support custom odbc driver.(xicilion)8cd4648e42
] - db, feat: support PostgreSQL.(xicilion)c4401579a3
] - db, refactor: detect null value use SQL_NULL_DATA.(xicilion)84a22e53ea
] - db, feat: support null value in odbc driver.(xicilion)30bb46a1bd
] - db, refactor: remove db.format, refactor db test.(xicilion)941b17428f
] - db, bugfix: float type error on mssql.(xicilion)ed98f5873a
] - types, feat: improvement.(richardo2016)e795200e2a
] - db, feat: support more dara type.(xicilion)205d76a781
] - db, feat: rewrite mssql use odbc driver and support mssql on unix.(xicilion)1b80c7208e
] - db, refactor: move function mssql::error into cpp.(xicilion)864b9cf873
] - db, refactor: use template to refactor db_format.(xicilion)25b486a503
] - db, refactor: refactor db api use class template.(xicilion)f86676bc77
] - build, bugfix: compile warning on Windows.(xicilion)9415776df3
] - db, refactor: move function use into DBConnection.(xicilion)8b3a9f42c8
] - db, bugfix: SIZEOF_LONG_INT set to 8 on 32 bits system.(xicilion)b0df74d32a
] - crypto, bugfix: support ripemd160 and sm3 in rsa/sm2 sign.(xicilion)3411a5a003
] - db, feat: compile error on Windows i386.(xicilion)c9e9c00acd
] - db, feat: support odbc.(xicilion)d5d21032f7
] - db, refactor: move db_api.h to db folder.(xicilion)2a08577eae
] - NArray, refactor: use simpler length syntax.(xicilion)125b8b0049
] - db, feat: change async mode to long-sync.(xicilion)bc91b3a2b9
] - types, feat: typings change.(richardo2016)731793b775
] - gui, refactor: use dl_func to wrap x11 function.(xicilion)b110035b53
] - crypto, feat: add document for getHashes.(xicilion)7a1ec0e88f
] - hash, feat: support data as an optional parameter when creating Digest.(xicilion)027b3feed5
] - idlc, feat: support null default value.(xicilion)9cf9b1c279
] - crypto, feat: support sign/verify in Digest.(xicilion)e755aa25e4
] - crypto, feat: add crypto.getHashes()(richardo2016)12793e8bd6
] - types, feat: adjust, add test about types.(richardo2016)f994085b64
] - fs, bugfix: stat.isSymbolicLink always returns false on Windows.(xicilion)cd1413ba10
] - fs, bugfix: when the path exists, fs.mkdir should not raise an error in recursive mode.(xicilion)2594b18f72
] - gui, bugfix: fixup resource request on win32 webview:(richardo2016)394ac7b3be
] - idl, bugfix: support method overrides, and rest parameters.(richardo2016)47dc757286
] - idl, bugfix: repair missing method params for interface.(richardo2016)943fe32e6e
] - process, refactor: use exit instead of _exit to quit current process.(xicilion)261b7b6063
] - test, feat: support passing a callback function to done to handle the asynchronous test.(xicilion)d4eb14a3b9
] - encoding, refactor: optimize hex/base64 encode/decode performance.(xicilion)69de147f98
] - tools, feat: support generate *.d.ts from fibjs's idl.(richardo2016)230be65408
] - core, refactor: use the new toString instead of Utf8Value to convert v8 strings.(xicilion)2b363dc2c9
] - core, refactor: use uint64_t to detect strings to speed up detection.(xicilion)b315a7c7a5
] - options, feat: install cli link into .bin folder.(xicilion)04a49c0a63
] - cef, feat: update to v90.(xicilion)c8c4f1ff15
] - build, feat: support armv6 cross compiler.(xicilion)45e7f93228
] - core, refactor: use union to detect big-endian architecture at runtime.(xicilion)851bb90a76
] - core, bugfix: cannot parse some string formats of data correctly, #681(xicilion)3e210b23c5
] - iconv, feat: support built-in ucs2le/ucs2be/ucs4le/ucs4be charset.(xicilion)7f5e7c45f5
] - child_process, bugfix: the test will not end on a very slow machine.(xicilion)416e3c7584
] - websocket, bugfix: message encode error on big-endian arch.(xicilion)186f9994cc
] - Buffer, bugfix: readNumber/writeNumber error on big-endain arch.(xicilion)90a55c9170
] - fs, bugfix: fstat mode error when create directory and file.(Yuanhang)4c87328b40
] - os, bugfix: os.arch return nothing on mips/mips64.(xicilion)2d2d659daf
] - build, feat: script to switch qemu simulation environment.(xicilion)a0054383b8
] - ssl, bugfix: crash on verify ssl.ca, #679(Yuanhang)48511dc2c0
] - docs, bugfix: some description errors in setClientCert parameters.(xicilion)7a6a7ece85
] - option, feat: update --help message.(xicilion)52ba9f89f6
] - core, bugfix: runtime error in i386 mode on Windows.(xicilion)f438eef266
] - core, bugfix: compile error on Linux.(xicilion)a9fe8b16b7
] - os, feat: support to report external memory in memoryUsage.(xicilion)253c0e3a5c
] - core, refactor: use external-resource to implement zero-copy transfer string between fibjs and v8, #678(xicilion)3730764753
] - core, refactor: refactor the urf8 encode/decode, improve coding performance.(xicilion)080386f5cb
] - Sandbox, feat: support to run scripts in node_modules/.bin folder.(xicilion)81e5a4e30c
] - util, refactor: move the processing of special types out of object.(xicilion)8c4e458221
] - util, feat: support output Symbol details.(xicilion)a7bdeaaf8d
] - Buffer, feat: implement Buffer object iterable.(xicilion)174d450f99
] - core, feat: support for defining iterator operators.(xicilion)da0b4fe233
] - punycode, bugfix: punycode.decode results in a segmentation fault, #675(xicilion)02e53f350a
] - build, feat: display dependents of fibjs.exe in release mode.(xicilion)1939e082aa
] - path, bugfix: do not set the drive character when the base path is empty.(xicilion)6a5f74ab29
] - core, refactor: strictly distinguish between access and reference to the elements of string, and eliminate unnecessary memory copy.(xicilion)5e660884eb
] - Buffer, bugfix: querying values() on a very huge Buffer will cause the Buffer to crash, #676(xicilion)4f44ea3d5e
] - events, refactor: fix param name in EventEmitter.removeAllListeners.(xicilion)d48deedfbd
] - crypto, bugfix: too large matrix size will cause crypto.randomArt to crash, #677(xicilion)6c6be87584
] - http, feat: auto return json data in HttpMessage.data.(xicilion)3492f6299e
] - url, feat: support url.resolve.(xicilion)a8f7761548
] - util, feat: support Promise type in util.format.(xicilion)244facf443
] - process, feat: dump full memory information in debug mode on Windows.(xicilion)a4b75ca9cf
] - http, bugfix: compile warning on Windows.(xicilion)ff189b058a
] - core, refactor: enable lazy compile.(xicilion)0b6a213813
] - http, refactor: remove unnecessary odescribe restrictions.(xicilion)4a7b30dbf1
] - core, bugfix: uv_timer_t is not released correctly when the timer ends.(xicilion)44e75efbb2
] - net, bugfix: ipv6 bind error on UVSocket.(xicilion)5d3c404171
] - build, bugfix: compile warning on Windows.(xicilion)90fd788e6e
] - child_process, feat: add document for options.stdio.(xicilion)306b4b75c0
] - isolate, refactor: use StrictEquals to compare object.(xicilion)2c575b134c
] - isolate, refactor: use v8::Localv8::Object::Cast to convert the data type.(xicilion)9f72d88805
] - assert, bugfix: assert crash when valueOf throw error.(xicilion)138f0ad859
] - util, bugfix: intersection crash when valueOf throw error, #673(xicilion)0f966ac78b
] - db, refactor: move leveldb test case into group.(xicilion)b302062e1d
] - Buffer, bugfix: passing a large offset to Buffer.writeUInt32BE will cause fibjs to crash, #672(xicilion)2317cf6efb
] - core, bugfix: compile error on Windows.(xicilion)9fb9876e9e
] - core, bugfix: deleting js objects directly in the uv thread after closing uv_handle will cause fibjs to crash.(xicilion)489dda67b1
] - core, refactor: change v8 memory space to 2048.(xicilion)cd1d8186c2
] - encoding, refactor: deprecated bson module.(xicilion)f76efac292
] - util, bugfix: memory limit causes GC to crash, #658(xicilion)73a245a856
] - core, refactor: convert utf8 string directly to v8 string.(xicilion)60ecb9e7a2
] - net, refactor: compile warning in debug mode on Windows.(xicilion)5fd70f87d6
] - util, bugfix: flatten a circular reference object will cause fibjs to crash, #669(xicilion)5958f8ba04
] - Buffer, bugfix: passing a large offset to Buffer.readUIntLE will cause fibjs to crash, #667(xicilion)509c63ff7d
] - console, feat: change the color of warn message to YELLOW.(xicilion)22757bc361
] - crypto, bugfix: Illegal iterations and size parameters will cause crypto.pbkdf1 or crypto.pbkdf2 to crash, #670 #671(xicilion)f9a274e793
] - encode, bugfix: std::bad_alloc error will be caused when processing strings longer than 2G, #661(xicilion)31d95a2151
] - Buffer, bugfix: specifying a huge negative number for the offset of Buffer.slice will cause a segmentation fault, #666(xicilion)087b47648f
] - util, bugfix: running util.deepFreeze on Buffer will result in illegal hardware instructions. #663(xicilion)bfbe361e6e
] - crypto, bugfix: specifying a negative size of crypto.randomBytes will cause a segmentation fault, #664 #665(xicilion)3b1f925493
] - crypto, bugfix: specifying the size of crypto.randomArt as 0 will cause a segmentation fault, #662(xicilion)b024b3beae
] - util, feat: optimize the output of nested objects, do not collapse empty objects.(xicilion)4ff211bf01
] - util, feat: display different information for one more item and multiple more items.(xicilion)80eb72dbca
] - io, bugfix: reading data from rangestream does not change the current position correctly.(xicilion)f64622b64d
] - util, feat: limit the number of items in the Buffer output. #657(xicilion)a545b7b63d
] - util, feat: limit the number of items in the array output.(xicilion)e565772260
] - util, feat: limit the level of obejct output.(xicilion)15199a3319
] - Buffer, bugfix: fibjs will crash when the offset of Buffer.writeXXX is negative, #659(xicilion)f78f319693
] - Buffer, bugfix: fibjs will crash when the offset parameter of Buffer.read is negative, issue 655.(xicilion)411413da12
] - net, bugfix: access socket on unconnected smtp object causes segmentation fault, issue #654.(xicilion)9109a16b21
] - db, bugfix: levelDB.mget results in a segmentation fault, issue #653.(xicilion)e01e10eae2
] - net, refactor: not remove domain file on Windows.(xicilion)55ee8de1d8
] - punycode, bugfix: punycode.decode results in a floating point exception, issue #652.(xicilion)6d030a7547
] - repl, bugfix: repl cannot handle incomplete statements normally, issue #651.(xicilion)d824ad7da0
] - zlib, bugfix: passing an invalid level parameter to zlib.deflate will cause fibjs to crash.(xicilion)e35a0c24b8
] - bson, bugfix: crash when decode invaid data type, issue #648.(xicilion)0e29a1303b
] - event, feat: removeAllListeners support remove single event.(xicilion)d06fe997b0
] - fs.refactor: Restore SEEK_* constants defined in fs.(xicilion)e5ab5c3c76
] - child_process, feat: support fork.(xicilion)f496f3b105
] - tty, feat: replace stdio stream in process:(richardo2016)74b2ca8bd7
] - Isolate, feat: normalize initialization for stdio instance.(richardo2016)2d28b7832a
] - http, bugfix: compile error on linux.(xicilion)4239ce2435
] - util, feat: implement util.callbackify.(xicilion)2a8ddc896a
] - http, bugfix: request option process error.(xicilion)4007c40989
] - http, feat: support pack option for msgpack. (#647)(lhkzh)b09f506542
] - net, feat: support unix socket and Windows pipe.(xicilion)cef2d9058b
] - url, feat: support unix socket and windows pipe host name.(xicilion)af4c4ba870
] - docs, refactor: use nomnoml to render graph.(xicilion)e37047d8da
] - fs, feat: disable test for fs.watch
option recursive
on Linux.(richardo2016)23f0e89ca4
] - fs, bugfix: correct to emit changed filename for FSWatcher.(richardo2016)218e55d98d
] - console, bugfix: on windows, line breaks are output as \n when stdout/stderr is redirected.(xicilion)3240236b9a
] - Stream, bugfix: read throw error when connection reset by peer.(xicilion)1023a664c4
] - util, bugfix: fixup build error on Windows.(richardo2016)2b1bfcbf26
] - docs, feat: document HttpCookie.(xicilion)32b10e9486
] - docs, feat: more language.(xicilion)3854a49c10
] - vender, feat: update expat&zlib.(xicilion)2015bd81aa
] - ssl, feat: update root certs.(xicilion)36bff527be
] - docs, bugfix: typo.(xicilion)95e144d78d
] - util, bugfix: static functions of built-in modules are displayed with wrong function names.(xicilion)6c51123a2e
] - util, feat: support util.promisify.(xicilion)fde7a9af92
] - core, feat: support Error.code when throwing uv error.(xicilion)364e4000dc
] - gui, feat: not activating the application when the webview is headless.(xicilion)0a01358b21
] - docs, feat: translate only updated document.(xicilion)8705463597
] - net, feat: support use-uv-socket option.(xicilion)f3d671f5d9
] - console, refactor: use uv to output console message.(xicilion)cd9ea25b95
] - Stream, refactor: limit read buffer size.(xicilion)f0c1a1f66f
] - test, bugfix: timeout test error under windows sometimes.(xicilion)e1041b6a8c
] - Merge branch 'dev' of https: //github.com/fibjs/fibjs into dev(xicilion)98a036839c
] - process, bugfix: ignore SIGPIPE signal, fix abnormal exit when tcp connection is closed remotely under linux.(xicilion)264805a18c
] - build, chore: merge and resolve conflict.(richardo2016)bebc98d199
] - Release v0.32.1(richardo2016)38886c8d8b
] - tools, feat: upgrade tools/changelog.js, driven by child_process module.(richardo2016)0c65ff57f9
] - db, bugfix: conn.begin error on mysql.(xicilion)ae2ea1459f
] - EventEmitter, bugfix: removeAllListeners() does not remove any listener.(xicilion)8b9d85f8a4
] - build, bugfix: fibjs build with alpine 3.13 (#643)(Su Yang)7ad97b7aeb
] - net, feat: use uv implement UVSocket.(xicilion)897499f400
] - Stream, refactor: use uv_post(function) to post async function into uv thread.(xicilion)abe40df47a
] - Stream, refactor: use uv_post to post uv tasks without waiting for execution to finish.(xicilion)5fc60011b9
] - Stream, feat: support network package reading mode.(xicilion)27ac337796
] - Stream, feat: allows the close function to be called in a closed stream.(xicilion)82c6a99a62
] - Stream, refactor: use UVStream::create_pipe to create pipe stream.(xicilion)ff071cd2ff
] - core, refactor: use isolate_ref() instead of holder()->Ref().(xicilion)fdc2c7b689
] - fs, bugfix: compile error in debug mode on Windows.(xicilion)92d7d75f9b
] - fs, refactor: use uv_call to refactor fs.watch.(xicilion)4355e53403
] - dgram, refactor: bind udp socket in worker fiber.(xicilion)0e5d6541cf
] - dgram, refactor: move code to source file.(xicilion)47a4e6f0f0
] - core, refactor: refactor the error reporting framework to support uv error codes.(xicilion)207a8505ce
] - child_process, bugfix: crash when spawn return error.(xicilion)7db883702e
] - uv, refactor: refactor uv process model.(xicilion)0d1c6d45b7
] - db, bugfix: conn.begin error on mysql.(xicilion)e2a657af85
] - net, refactor: use Socket::_new to create socket.(xicilion)b579d8baaa
] - net, refactor: remove udp support from net.Socket.(xicilion)2e9d95e18a
] - fs, refactor: rewrite fs.stat.(xicilion)c1d34fb2d0
] - test, bugfix: http test error on Windows.(xicilion)bf9cbd9c3d
] - fs, refactor: define the uv_async function to simplify the implementation of the fs uv async function.(xicilion)0ff0220291
] - test, bugfix: actions test error on Windows.(xicilion)5931893b65
] - test, bugfix: some test error.(xicilion)f473cbe2a2
] - EventEmitter, bugfix: removeAllListeners() does not remove any listener.(xicilion)34b4cbb072
] - test, bugfix: ws test error on windows.(xicilion)e448fe268b
] - test, bugfix: some test error.(xicilion)d8f6148847
] - dgram, bugfix: tests on systems without IPv6 will report errors.(xicilion)fb12430ad7
] - dgram, bugfix: test error on Linux.(xicilion)bced2f270d
] - dgram, refactor: use uv to implement udp socket.(xicilion)0cd369caaf
] - build, bugfix: compile warning in debug mode on Windows.(xicilion)5b08279735
] - test, refactor: enable process test.(xicilion)48c86a374e
] - net, refactor: use uv to convert inetAddr.(xicilion)1be12ed80d
] - os, refactor: use uv to implament os/process function.(xicilion)46b0eb4233
] - test, refactor: output error message to stdout.(xicilion)a49529a050
] - core, bugfix: compile error in debug mode.(xicilion)31f045b37d
] - fs, bugfix: compile error on windows.(xicilion)a769b360b3
] - fs, feat: support recursive option in fs.mkdir.(xicilion)7dba59b47b
] - path, refactor: define os_* api.(xicilion)df90a7bd99
] - core, refactor: optimize the implementation of some string methods.(xicilion)bc4d7699a1
] - fs, feat: throw system error code.(xicilion)3251707458
] - gui, bugfix: cef subprocess does not initialize uv, causing fs.exists to fail.(xicilion)907e560fb8
] - dgram, bugfix: change test port.(xicilion)62be044f11
] - core, refactor: add C_ before the const variable name to avoid conflicts between variable names and system variables.(xicilion)9d86436040
] - fs, refactor: use destructor to destroy uv_fs_t structure.(xicilion)521a493b7f
] - fs, refactor: use uv to implament fs.readdir function.(xicilion)f4813033cc
] - fs, refactor: split fs.cpp.(xicilion)ae39cd5e0f
] - fs, refactor: use uv to implament fs.copyFile function.(xicilion)fc658892ef
] - core, refactor: add _ before the const variable name to avoid conflicts between variable names and system variables.(xicilion)0fd428dcda
] - fs, refactor: refactor fs.constants and move the SEEK_* flag to fs.constants.(xicilion)fe3af88f3a
] - build, bugfix: fibjs build with alpine 3.13 (#643)(Su Yang)e4c2eacfb4
] - dgram, bugfix: bug message recv error.(xicilion)a5dc1e8a36
] - fs, refactor: use uv to implament fs function.(xicilion)b0ba38ed8e
] - core, refactor: use c++ alloc to enable jemalloc.(xicilion)