feature :
. (#448)(Ray)path.relative
which compats with nodejs. (#449)(Ray)bugfix :
in module, and fix TypeMap. (#440)(Ray)import
statement on top of module declartion file. (#436)(Ray)./test/util_test.js
. (#461)(Ray)refactor :
others :
] - util, feat: display error message for hr first.(xicilion)295d66b50a
] - SandBox, feat: support for refreshing module data.(xicilion)8abefb0a69
] - sandbox, feat: disable require.cache.(xicilion)b8226c9c67
] - util, bugfix: correct validation about GIT_INFO in ./test/util_test.js
. (#461)(Ray)bf9d561464
] - sandbox, feat: add test case to explain some side cases about 'SandBox::setModuleCompiler' (#460)(Ray)c9fde181ed
] - SandBox, feat: support freeze function to disable modification of global variables in sandbox.(xicilion)a1ec0af816
] - util, feat: support deepFreeze.(xicilion)62ae2a17fc
] - core, feat: support isFrozen function.(xicilion)7da2020d90
] - sandbox, feat: normalize implementation of custom_loader with the other standard loaders, then rename 'SandBox::setModuleLoader' to 'SandBox::setModuleCompiler'. (#459)(Ray)926286d582
] - sandbox, refactor: implement virtual compile function.(xicilion)56806cddb1
] - timers, feat: process script error in timeout function.(xicilion)05e79951ef
] - timers, feat: not interrupt script when hr_timer is stopped.(xicilion)b68cfd55f4
] - core, bugfix: not reset TryCatch by default.(xicilion)85089cb702
] - util, refactor: use namespace.(xicilion)9db5774ba3
] - sandbox, refactor: simplified parameter passing.(xicilion)ab407ce914
] - sandbox, feat: add 'Sandbox::modules' to get dict of modules installed in it. (#457)(Ray)d59f2d3414
] - util, feat: add 'modules' into returnValue of 'util.buildInfo'. (#458)(Ray)d1842dfdbd
] - sandbox, bugfix: sync build info about ts_loader/custom_loader for windows (#456)(Ray)8a1dc8cf33
] - sandbox, feat: passout callbackArgs in 'SandBox::CustomExtLoader::run' (#455)(Ray)4ec046d4e4
] - sandbox, feat: remove 'internal/typescript' module and related loader. (#454)(Ray)9bb0435fa0
] - fs, bugfix: crash in debug mode.(xicilion)faf8198935
] - vm, feat: support Sandbox::registerExt, and enable it in rootModule's Sandbox. (#450)(Ray)8aef38ed32
] - fs, bugfix: setZipFS not working on windows.(xicilion)ac5a535b7d
] - Timer, feat: support result_t in TimeoutScope::result.(xicilion)d89e439f45
] - Timer, refactor: use the TimeoutScope class to implement timeout.(xicilion)70b6a8feab
] - SandBox, feat: support disable ext loader.(xicilion)e54cf2e52e
] - fs, feat: support file access switch.(xicilion)6405bf7f59
] - path, feat: add path.relative
which compats with nodejs. (#449)(Ray)66f5f8d957
] - fs, feat: add test for 'require' when calling zip.open
. (#448)(Ray)4a18563fb7
] - sandbox, feat: define appname.(xicilion)5cd28f6e5d
] - timers, bugfix: compile error on windows.(xicilion)8b3835cde4
] - util, feat: support using vector array to init OptArg.(xicilion)b6d44ff5e9
] - test, feat: add test case of timers.call.(xicilion)973270c8e2
] - timers, feat: support script timeout.(xicilion)78a312a073
] - utils, feat: add error code CALL_E_TIMEOUT.(xicilion)ec542b4109
] - timers, factor: move JSTimer to Timer.h.(xicilion)2d182cd223
] - build, feat: fix ascii art.(xicilion)39811342f6
] - build, feat: display message for successfully built.(xicilion)7b72c34829
] - console, feat: only allow console config in master worker.(xicilion)ddc582ed21
] - docs, feat: collect modules.(xicilion)5804005070
] - tools, feat: reorder module list.(xicilion)2e7e44fdc9
] - sandbox, refactor: remove script code cache.(xicilion)4cd7e718d6
] - LruCache, feat: not emit the expire event until the event callback function has changed.(xicilion)a2d5f1782d
] - core, feat: change the error prompt capitalization.(xicilion)83ad511e9b
] - core, bugfix: name is 'undefined' in operator function.(xicilion)b921417e0e
] - core, bugfix: link error in debug mode on linux.(xicilion)4916f30992
] - SandBox, bugfix: remove unused variable.(xicilion)cd7faf1b07
] - HttpClient, bugfix: compile warning in debug mode.(xicilion)5d36247e31
] - Merge branch 'dev' of https: //github.com/fibjs/fibjs into dev(xicilion)70c117a692
] - fs, feat: support custom zip fs.(xicilion)6a252e7351
] - timers, feat: Compatible with Nodejs' setTimeout function, the parameter timeout can be undefined. (#446)(bengbengca)7b1d7e2853
] - Digest, feat: supports encoding. (#445)(bengbengca)bd3a4b8d44
] - SandBox, refactor: rewrite some of ExtLoader.(xicilion)03994507c9
] - SandBox, refactor: load json module by overloading run instead of run_module.(xicilion)958a835b5d
] - http, refactor: rewrite HttpUploadCollection with std::pair.(xicilion)78cd60e5b4
] - http, refactor: rewrite HttpCollection with std::pair.(xicilion)16b20f129c
] - core, bugfix: run microtask inside Fiber::scope.(xicilion)986703fc48
] - core, bugfix: deadlock in some promise case.(xicilion)d069cf7731
] - add function convert uint64 to BigInt.(xicilion)54f49bb7b0
] - console, feat: support for overloaded log behavior of logger.(xicilion)f19a2bfcab
] - console, refactor: add addLogger function.(xicilion)c56f754d37
] - add 'has' method in SandBox Module. (#442)(tapir)a8ad13614b
] - zlib, feat: reset dataSize when attaching to new stream.(xicilion)502b087306
] - test, feat: test for maxBodySize limit in the compressed body.(xicilion)3d8c5e9c79
] - v8, feat: make snapshot data.(xicilion)af14abd12b
] - zlib, feat: supports maxSize when decompressing.(xicilion)172c4ead9d
] - sandbox, refactor: add virtual custom resolve function.(xicilion)637a9ef5d1
] - core, bugfix: GLIBC dependency issues under Linux.(xicilion)327b2d2da4
] - v8, bugfix: compile error on linux i386.(xicilion)df941203f5
] - v8, feat: upgrade to 6.8.275.(xicilion)1846a86dc0
] - tools, bugfix: fix lack of member_props
in module, and fix TypeMap. (#440)(Ray)ced78b5ac2
] - tools, feat: add .github/PULL_REQUEST_TEMPLATE.md (#439)(Ray)1adbf8dfb9
] - http, feat: support keep-alive in HttpClient.(xicilion)d6b7d8a107
] - http, feat: support http.STATUS_CODES.(xicilion)e43fbf2c11
] - tools, bugfix: [tsdeclare] fix expression of exported-statically class. (#438)(Ray)8de2cfd0b8
] - core, feat: support for top-level await operators.(xicilion)78ae3b135e
] - module, feat: add module aliases, tls -> ssl, https -> http.(xicilion)3d7dc1dfe0
] - tools, bugfix: remove unnecessary import
statement on top of module declartion file. (#436)(Ray)69b25bb8a5
] - tools, feat: support multiple idl folders.(xicilion)