feature :
bugfix :
refactor :
] - console, feat: add console.timeElapse() (#433)(gmxyb)27b5f17d5b
] - sandbox, feat: upgrade typescript to 2.9.1 (#435)(Ray)18b080f22b
] - tools, bugfix: correct exportance for reference to internal module in some module(such as encoding). (#434)(Ray)6cb8e61aa9
] - tools, bugfix: fix lack of prop generation for internal class. (#432)(Ray)80c04a9015
] - tools, bugfix: [type.d.ts.txt]fix global members. (#430)(Ray)67024c4349
] - tools, feat: normalize uglified internal class name. (#429)(Ray)652a0ac92c
] - tools, bugfix: correct exported static Class in some module(such as vm) (#428)(Ray)d20292ab9c
] - db, bugfix: do not process the escape character '?' when the parameter is insufficient.(xicilion)1975188359
] - http, feat: do not send Content-Length header in http request when body is empty.(xicilion)bf4c92ecd0
] - tools, bugfix: correct tsdeclare.js, and correct geneartion of *.d.ts (#427)(Ray)4152310139
] - dns, bugfix: dns.resolve crash on Linux.(xicilion)85b3d19d2a
] - core, bugfix: compile warning on windows.(xicilion)4780cedb02
] - os, bugfix: os.userInfo().homedir include a terminal character.(xicilion)917fac2e2b
] - net, bugfix: result error in net.resolve when host is unknown.(xicilion)0f37b624af
] - sandbox, bugfix: [internal/typescript]set 'compilerOptions.module' as 'CommonJS', to make test/ts_test.ts valid. (#426)(Ray)f1bb38002c
] - dns, bugfix: result error in dns.resolve and dns.lookup when host is unknown.(xicilion)5c2dd77b42
] - sandbox, feat: give default compilerOptions for internal typescript. (#425)(Ray)29e3901637
] - sandbox, feat: add test cases for internal typescript. (#424)(Ray)50555bebb9
] - tools, feat: support generating *.d.ts by tools/tsdeclare.js based on idlc.js (#421)(Ray)1ac350bcba
] - sandbox, bugfix: fix core dump when required ts in sub sandbox. (#422)(Ray)545c9bed90
] - core, refactor: separate fibjs library for reuse.(xicilion)5111e70816
] - sandbox, bugfix: high frequency require in new sandbox will fail.(xicilion)b23ef0f060
] - sandbox, bugfix: application crashes when loading ts in an empty sandbox.(xicilion)4b138f8cc6
] - options, bugfix: compile errors on Windows when embedding large script files.(xicilion)73c9e2fc27
] - sandbox, bugfix: missing files in the vs project file.(xicilion)7b0f6e1331
] - sandbox, feat: support typescript loader.(Ray)aed8fd656a
] - core, refactor: split the source code to simplify fibjs.cpp.(xicilion)e6058640c2
] - core, refactor: use static class to init module.(xicilion)f1a4589a11
] - core, refactor: compress embed script module.(xicilion)47a5f79c6e
] - core, refactor: do not generate coverage report of non-absolute path files.(xicilion)