feature :
bugfix :
refactor :
] - core, bugfix: disable concurrent marking to fix v8 deadlock in gc.(xicilion)aaffa6095b
] - mq, feat: save js value before switch to background worker.(xicilion)2d9b747482
] - mq, refactor: not switch fiber when invoke js handler in Chain.(xicilion)908656e964
] - coroutine, bugfix: crash when querying the stack of dead fiber.(xicilion)eec7f12ceb
] - mq, refactor: Integrate invoke into the Chain.(xicilion)e85831e980
] - mq, feat: Integrate js_invoke into the invoke.(xicilion)62b6581e97
] - core, feat: support use_thread mode.(xicilion)24de807386
] - sqlite, feat: upgrade to v3.23.0(xicilion)23273aa91c
] - v8, feat: upgrade to v6.7.192.(xicilion)b9a80d2838
] - sandbox, bugfix: jsc loader crash when load error.(xicilion)43d92facd1
] - util, feat: use CreateCodeCache to compile code.(xicilion)36197f785f
] - json, bugfix: crash when json.encode circular structure.(xicilion)276ce295c8
] - core, bugfix: compile warning in debug mode.(xicilion)8d9656cc86
] - core, feat: disable parallel scavange.(xicilion)28cfb8c27c
] - websocket, feat: throw different error message.(xicilion)