feature :
bugfix :
] - options, feat: enable parallel scavenge.(xicilion)a4ff03be02
] - v8, feat: upgrade to v6.6.155.(xicilion)551bcfb693
] - util, bugfix: app crash when clone a Map.(xicilion)7d9222fbb0
] - core, feat: upgrade to new v8 api.(xicilion)3f12dfe7b6
] - stream, bugfix: fix buffer type check.(xicilion)44a3e84013
] - ws, feat: support ref/unref.(xicilion)ff341edc49
] - dgram, feat: implement method setBroadcast.(xicilion)6f0ee079ae
] - module, feat: not check param count in require.(xicilion)a17b1835d5
] - options, bugfix: init error when package.json is not exists.(xicilion)b9d53e2c08
] - dgram, feat: method send return data size.(xicilion)469d0d0e7c
] - core, feat: support require.main.(xicilion)44287c8558
] - options, feat: support install package.(xicilion)a75a1b98d8
] - options, feat: add init script.(xicilion)4395512533
] - options, feat: generate embed scripts.(xicilion)416b7e1137
] - options, feat: retry download when http error.(xicilion)3e1bd98609
] - options, bugfix: zero size file is not extracted.(xicilion)4625da4cbe
] - dgram, feat: add documents for dgram module.(xicilion)1c81e1d84c
] - sqlite, feat: change default synchronous mode to full.(xicilion)ce138af65d
] - timers, feat: allow null in clearTimeout.(xicilion)781ab7427f
] - dgram, feat: add argument to event 'error'.(xicilion)ffc6cc69e3
] - dgram, bugfix: send error when addr is empty on windows.(xicilion)8203c574b9
] - Buffer, feat: support Buffer.join method.(xicilion)d5e4bf1cb8
] - Buffer, bugfix: crash when Buffer.concat([])(xicilion)962c505310
] - dgram, bugfix: test error on linux.(xicilion)47abe8b7f6
] - dgram, feat: add dgram test case into main.js.(xicilion)4701be824b
] - dgram, feat: add test case for dgram.(xicilion)dfd063c4ea
] - dgram, bugfix: compile error on windows.(xicilion)e4eb495b37
] - dns, feat: add dns.lookup.(xicilion)8d54dd1aaa
] - dgram, feat: implement send and message.(xicilion)1ae403550d
] - dgram, feat: add dgram module and DgramSocket object.(xicilion)45fcbb3bb3
] - http, bugfix: crash when HttpResponse.statusCode is too large.(xicilion)868e455f2b
] - process, bugfix: compile warning in debug mode.(xicilion)20cf8c4f00
] - path, bugfix: compile warning in debug mode.(xicilion)64317ed84b
] - option, bugfix: data error on some tgz file.(xicilion)50a2673da0
] - zlib, feat: end inflate stream when data error.(xicilion)f3cedc796d
] - option, bugfix: download error when '/' in package name.(xicilion)41db91f502
] - option, feat: simple package install tool.(xicilion)7e046495d7
] - Buffer, bugfix: new Buffer error when TypedArray offset is not zero.(xicilion)94211628ec
] - timers, feat: support ref/unref in Timer object.(xicilion)