feature :
bugfix :
refactor :
] - mq, refactor: move Message.response to HttpRequest.response.(xicilion)46dd85fec2
] - LruCache, feat: support expire event.(xicilion)205cef37b7
] - event, feat: support any type of custom field in EventInfo.(xicilion)f2b6e1fe05
] - test, feat: add LruCache lock test.(xicilion)8376932226
] - LruCache, bugfix: object locked in updater callback.(xicilion)66a518641b
] - mbedtls, feat: upgrade to v2.6.1.(xicilion)d59b73839f
] - tool, feat: upgrade awesome sync tool.(xicilion)ac25be15bd
] - core, bugfix: fix compile waring on windows.(xicilion)f6caafc9d4
] - core, bugfix: fix compile error on windows.(xicilion)5ac83f7b29
] - db, feat: support multi level array in db.format.(xicilion)e20a32ea10
] - coroutine, feat: hold the process while at least one worker is working.(xicilion)38bdf89608
] - websocket, feat: hold the process while websocket is not disconnected.(xicilion)c73b24caaf
] - core, refactor: uniform the two constructor of AsyncCallback.(xicilion)ff75686678
] - core, refactor: support ref/unref in isolate, refactor the logic of holding process.(xicilion)b617bb877a
] - sandbox, feat: support exports in main script.(xicilion)9a240973b8
] - db, feat: enable chinese fulltext search in SQLite.(xicilion)7886dc4bac
] - v8, bugfix: disable parallel_marking, fix crash in snapshot creator.(xicilion)62ca518a70
] - v8, feat: update vender version.(xicilion)aa2d8bbe86
] - v8, feat: upgrade v8 to v6.4.365.(xicilion)8f0bc1f271
] - core, refactor: format JavaScript code.(xicilion)3f895d267b
] - v8, feat: upgrade to v6.4.309.(xicilion)076830eaa1
] - crypto, feat: PKey constructor support parameters.(xicilion)575deddaac
] - constants, feat: support constants module.(xicilion)