feature :
breakchange :
bugfix :
refactor :
others :
chore :
] - v8, feat: upgrade to 6.4.185.(xicilion)5da1a51ad2
] - mq, break: deprecated mq.await.(xicilion)4fc8482a99
] - mq, bugfix: params lost in asynchronous js handler.(xicilion)25c6e682e1
] - Merge branch 'dev' of https: //github.com/fibjs/fibjs into dev(xicilion)7f3d5742d8
] - doc, chore: remove unused file (#370)(Hengfei Zhuang)6a2b51e03c
] - process, feat: add test case of kill.(xicilion)f551793d42
] - events, refactor: save the wrapper function into data object to avoid using Callee.(xicilion)d860ada40f
] - core, refactor: use JavaScript property to implement const.(xicilion)00440c1632
] - core, bugfix: closesocket before canceling io operation.(xicilion)98e4d2e06c
] - fs, bugfix: compile error on FreeBSD.(xicilion)5c42bd478a
] - core, bugfix: ensure the coverage report could be generated successfully. (#369)(Hengfei Zhuang)7d5f6d3019
] - core, bugfix: ensure the coverage report could be generated successfully. (#369)(Hengfei Zhuang)95cf94caa8
] - core, feat: support --cov=filename to specify the cov filename (#368)(Hengfei Zhuang)c8ac686ee9
] - gb, bugfix: fix hsb2rgb algorithm error.(xicilion)f4be9559eb
] - core, refactor: add trace_tcp option.(xicilion)0fe6b96a54
] - http, break: deprecated http.find.(xicilion)a3e91bb949
] - core, break: deprecated object.dispose(xicilion)a1ef84dd74
] - core, refactor: remove equals from object to Buffer and Int64.(xicilion)d8113504db
] - http, feat: check option items, throw unknown option.(xicilion)b6f1aefc5f
] - assert, bugfix: compile error on Linux.(xicilion)7c56f7f95b
] - WebView, bugfix: compile error on windows.(xicilion)e3df9ee921
] - docs, bugfix: fix wrong “.(xicilion)2290e365d4
] - mongodb, break: deprecated GridFS.(xicilion)c445485c98
] - zip, break: deprecated ZipInfo object.(xicilion)590b76a47f
] - collection, break: deprecated collection module and Map object.(xicilion)1f62211b25
] - console, break: deprecated TextColor object.(xicilion)3e13010e35
] - core, bugfix: compile error on Linux and windows.(xicilion)0ef8e161b6
] - collection, break: deprecated Queue.(xicilion)7b8797fbf6
] - coroutine, break: deprecated BlockedQueue.(xicilion)aaa56a6bd9
] - collection, break: deprecated List object.(xicilion)bfe47e8bed
] - SubProcess, bugfix: SubProcess not allow reenter.(xicilion)b4cd3c1bfd
] - core, refactor: revert to the previous code (v8 fixed the deadlock error).(xicilion)6ddc436f19
] - core, feat: support --cov-process tool to generate code coverage analysis report.(xicilion)e83d0b1a09
] - typo.(xicilion)b385d6939f
] - core, feat: support collecting code coverage information.(xicilion)600764b2da
] - core, refactor: add options.h to define extern options variable.(xicilion)c4be76a406
] - process, feat: process.exit support return 0;(xicilion)04f0b5dcb2
] - core, feat: support v8 code coverage.(xicilion)fce9a81732
] - zlib, refactor: remove nouse variable.(xicilion)a36cdd9e69
] - websocket, feat: add come documents.(xicilion)5e90fb993b
] - websocket, break: deprecated ws.connect.(xicilion)44e7657727
] - websocket, feat: change readyState to CLOSED in js thread.(xicilion)3240d9dd37
] - core, feat: support OnEventEmit in Trigger.(xicilion)1f02198883
] - websocket, refactor: remove nouse variable.(xicilion)8bdf4ccb04
] - websocket, bugfix: not compress control message.(xicilion)e033057f5c
] - websocket, feat: close a closed socket not throw error.(xicilion)353d9a7490
] - websocket, feat: ws.upgrade add req as the second argument in callback.(xicilion)0a6acf69f3
] - Merge branch 'master' into dev(响马)