feature :
breakchange :
bugfix :
refactor :
doc :
] - core, refactor: define v8 api in v8_api.h.(xicilion)bfdedd0835
] - v8, feat: upgrade to v6.4.146.(xicilion)0334b8a375
] - zlib, bugfix: compile error on windows.(xicilion)e96f23e9fa
] - websocket, feat: support context takeover.(响马)8b31858bba
] - ci, bugfix: fix windows build (#367)(Hengfei Zhuang)7bbbb143ec
] - zlib, refactor: move ZlibStream to include file.(xicilion)49aa9975c6
] - zlib, feat: support zlib stream.(xicilion)feac71466c
] - io, refactor: move method flush to Interface Stream.(响马)666ae9f38d
] - net, refactor: remove unused event from libev.(响马)f0459a34b8
] - socket, bugfix: closing a socket twice will cause a crash.(响马)64e9abaf99
] - net, bugfix: safely close socket to repair socket reuse errors.(xicilion)2986202089
] - websocket, feat: lock the Buffer individually to send the buffer as soon as possible.(xicilion)dbff1aa286
] - websocket, feat: Send multiple websocket packets together.(响马)d69b32c6ec
] - websocket, feat: use locker to keep the message sequence.(响马)344f0ae6aa
] - process, bugfix: ctrl_c will cause the program to crash during startup.(响马)418d2a8dc5
] - websocket, bugfix: end async recv worker after close stream.(响马)3637d39a95
] - zlib, bugfix: compile warning in debug mode.(响马)0fd19ee721
] - MemoryStream, bugfix: fix MemoryStrem.seek error on windows.(xicilion)6563d2c665
] - gui, doc: add gui english doc (#365)(Hengfei Zhuang)a24b4b404e
] - ci, bugfix: fix windows build (#366)(Hengfei Zhuang)ec8362f662
] - build, break: remove support of vs2015.(xicilion)42b69ff4c2
] - test, feat: test.run set result to process.exitCode.(xicilion)77e64585d1
] - docs, feat: change diagram style.(响马)6147c17aaf
] - core, feat: support async locker in state machine.(响马)51e88700ad
] - core, refactor: AsyncEvent base on Task_base.(响马)39ed71a85c
] - fs, bugfix: fix crash when read empty file with codec use fs.readFile.(响马)07e705e8e0
] - zlib, bugfix: asynchronous operation may cause access to illegal memory.(响马)122bc6dbb2
] - websocket, feat: new WebSocket support compress.(响马)76efe05aa1
] - websocket, feat: support compress handshake in ws.upgrade.(响马)e2662049c5
] - websocket, feat: support compress in WebSocketMessage.sendTo.(响马)2e17b82fad
] - websocket, feat: WebSocketMessage.readFrom support compress message.(xicilion)4fe56e695a
] - websocket, break: delete nouse test case.(xicilion)c39d7037f0
] - websocket, break: deprecated WebSocketHandler.(xicilion)8d00946b50
] - test, bugfix: change tcp port.(xicilion)6c625f5446
] - util, feat: add underscore test case.(响马)ff90700a11
] - ci, feat: test --prof.(xicilion)138b59b221
] - profiler, bugfix: log file parse error on windows.(xicilion)9f6bad2138
] - profiler, feat: support command line option: --prof and --prof-interval.(xicilion)21425c9eae
] - profiler, feat: not log empty sample.(xicilion)7b42a50f6b
] - profiler, feat: profiler.start(name, -1) will profile for ever.(xicilion)c79d4bd26f
] - docs, feat: add process signal docs.(xicilion)d80d83060f
] - test, feat: change the test mode according to the startup mode.(xicilion)106639b788
] - test, bugfix: clear root ca after test.(xicilion)6253b8a13d
] - fs, bugfix: change fs.copy to async mode.(xicilion)880f894dc9
] - process, feat: interrupt isolate in async mode.(xicilion)4520bb3a85
] - timers, bugfix: fix v8 deadlock in setHrInterval.(xicilion)838295b4be
] - core, feat: save the status of isolate.(xicilion)5b2c83f57c
] - core, feat: exit application directly while v8 is not alive.(响马)4ec77e3241
] - core, refactor: call interrupt callback function directly if possible.(响马)c62738774c
] - process, feat: support signal.(xicilion)8d6271866d
] - EventEmitter, feat: save method name in emit.(xicilion)dc1089eefe
] - Fiber, feat: not trace internal function in stack.(xicilion)dd0c0611df
] - process, feat: support Event exit.(xicilion)08cf7066e4
] - process, feat: support Event beforeExit.(xicilion)b6ec6558ef
] - process, feat: support process.exitCode.(xicilion)7c9a6cba3d
] - core, refactor: move RequestInterrupt into isolate.(xicilion)eb4d6bce05
] - profiler, feat: support process tool.(xicilion)159b2275f2
] - core, refactor: optimize the startup process.(xicilion)39145217bc
] - util, feat: save sync function name to fiber stack.(xicilion)c3092d0476
] - Fiber, feat: support Fiber.id.(响马)41e402b5d2
] - timers, refactor: reuse variable isolate.(xicilion)